For the purposes of centralized accounting, keeping and use of topographical, geodetic and mapping documents there has been created State Cartographical and Geodetic Fund storing the respective materials for the whole territory of the Republic of Moldova. These materials are of technical, scientific, economic, historical, social and cultural interest.
Topographical, geodetic and mapping materials and data are distributed for use to public authorities and private sector on demand, observing the Fund Regulations.
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Mr. Alexander Morcov, Deputy Director of Agency for Land Relation and Cadastre and Mrs. Maria Ovdii, head of Department Geodesy, Mapping & GIS participated at the workshop "Support for the implementation of INSPIRE Directives expanding countries", by invitation of the European Commission. Workshop was hosted by Institute for Research and Innovation of the European Commission, on January 29, 2014 in the city Ispra, Italy.
At the workshop participated experts and representatives from the European Commission, the United Nations and Cartography and Cadastre Authority of Albania, Denmark, Croatia, France, Italy, Germania, Serbia, Slovakia, Macedonia and Moldova.
Objective of the workshop was to give support for Ukraine and Moldova to implement INSPIRE regulations and the exchange of experience and also the best practices for the project INSPIRATION ( ).
In the working session discussed the report "Current Status of Spatial Data Infrastructure Moldova and Ukraine» presented by the expert from the European Commission Mr. Tomaz Petec. Also discussed possibilities of expanding cooperation between Agency for Land Relation and Cadastre and the Institute of Research and Innovation of the European Commission.
We hope that participation in this event will help in the future developing a international cooperation of Agency for Land Relation and Cadastre.