For the purposes of centralized accounting, keeping and use of topographical, geodetic and mapping documents there has been created State Cartographical and Geodetic Fund storing the respective materials for the whole territory of the Republic of Moldova. These materials are of technical, scientific, economic, historical, social and cultural interest.
Topographical, geodetic and mapping materials and data are distributed for use to public authorities and private sector on demand, observing the Fund Regulations.
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The launch of the Twinning Project "Twinning Project for the Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre (ALRC) - Organization, Streamlining and Computerization Process in Mapping in the Republic of Moldova" will take place on the 17th of November, 2014 with an opening conference attended by the Head of EU Delegation to Moldova, Pirkka Tapiola
The key goal of EU assistance provided through the Twinning Project "Organization, Streamlining and Computerization Process in Mapping in the Republic of Moldova" is to accelerate the development of the Information Society services in Moldova in connection with the E-Governance programme. European funds in the amount of EUR 1.2 million will ensure the implementation of the Action Plan Project.
The main beneficiary of the project is the Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre (ALRC) of the Republic of Moldova which will receive support in improving its mapping system, performance and impact. This will be achieved in cooperation with the EU partners of this project, Swedesurvey, the overseas agency of Lantmäteriet (the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority) and State Geodetic Administration of the Republic of Croatia.
The project aims to step up the work with the development of the information society services in the Republic of Moldova. The project aims also to support to the Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre so that it may construct, manage and update a mapping system at a large, medium and small scale, which is secure, unitary, integrated and cost efficient. In order to achieve these goals an active involved from all relevant stakeholders is expected. Thus, the Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre will encourage increased interaction with other ministries and agencies in the Republic of Moldova.
The implementation of this project will contribute to improved mapping system in the line with the EU standards and best international practices of management of geographical data.
Press Release
The support provided by the European Union in this framework will lead to a more transparent governance by using and promoting information technologies in the public sector.
Background information:
The activities undertaken during the implementation of the Twinning Project "Twinning Project for the Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre (ALRC) - Organization, Streamlining and Computerization Process in Mapping in the Republic of Moldova" provide the opportunity to obtain the expected results for the Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre, in line with the EU standards and best international practices of management of geographical data.
Although the Republic of Moldova is not a candidate country for EU accession, the INSPIRE mechanism is considered by the Agency of Land Relation and Cadastre as an appealing instrument for ensuring sound and cost efficient conditions of management and dissemination of geographic data nationwide. The project will provides support to the Agency of Land Relations and Cadastre in their efforts to implement the INSPIRE mechanism.
The project will focus on the implementation of activities listed in 4 components: